Universities Scotland


About Us:

Universities Scotland is the representative body of Scotland’s 19 universities and higher education institutions. We’re proud to represent one the best higher education sectors in the world.

Primarily working for the Principals and Vice Chancellors we support Universities’ internationalisation in the following areas:  

  • policy development

  • growth of international partnerships and mobility opportunities

  • promotion of the excellence of Scottish teaching and research internationally

  • universities’ role in international development

Universities Scotland’s strength within the Connected Scotland partnership is its convening power of 19 highly diverse institutions, each holding different assets and priorities. Our unique knowledge of our member institutions, and passion about creating opportunities for universities to thrive internationally, benefit students, staff, and further Scottish society and economy.

Universities Scotland provides the secretariat support for the Connected Scotland partnership.

Universities Scotland’s international priorities for 2024-26 are:

  • Progressing implementation of the Scottish Government’s International Education Strategy, including:

    1. promoting Scotland as a destination to study, work and live;

    2. enhancing international talent attraction and retention;

    3. supporting and promoting transnational education opportunities for Scottish Universities; and

    4. ensuring that Scotland’s excellent research base remains internationally competitive, collaborative and impactful.

  • Working with members, UUK and the Scottish Government in influencing UK Government to ensure that the UK visa system is internationally competitive to attract both staff and students, as well as leveraging enhanced support from UK Government to promote Scotland’s distinct higher education offering internationally.

  • Maintaining engagement with Europe and ensuring that the Scottish voice is well represented at a UK and EU level in the development of and association to EU research, innovation and mobility programmes.

  • Progressing the work of the Connected Scotland Partnership to co-create and deliver the promotion of Scottish higher education internationally through a programme of events.

  • Demonstrating the impact of internationalisation at Scottish universities, both domestically and internationally, including demonstrating the value of a Scottish degree to international graduates.

Steven Scott

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The Scottish Funding Council